To access the content, click on the name of the course above, and log in with your username and password for AIS. Moreover, before entering for the first time, the system will require you to confirm enrolment for the course.
In case of problems with enrolment / logging in, try to ask for help your classmates first; if you encounter problems in more cases, do not hesitate to contact the teaching assistant.
- Teacher: Táňa Sebechlebská
- Enrolled students: No students enrolled in this course yet
- Teacher: Michal Pitoňák
- Enrolled students: No students enrolled in this course yet
- Teacher: Pavel Neogrády
- Enrolled students: No students enrolled in this course yet
- Teacher: Táňa Sebechlebská
- Enrolled students: No students enrolled in this course yet
- Teacher: Monika Jerigová
- Teacher: Eva Noskovičová
- Teacher: Táňa Sebechlebská
- Enrolled students: No students enrolled in this course yet
- Teacher: Eva Noskovičová
- Teacher: Táňa Sebechlebská
- Enrolled students: 2
To access the content, click on the name of the course above, and log in with your username and password for AIS. Moreover, before entering for the first time, the system will require you to confirm enrolment for the course.
In case of problems with enrolment / logging in, try to ask for help your classmates first; if you encounter problems in more cases, do not hesitate to contact the teaching assistant.
- Teacher: Michal Čičkan
- Teacher: Monika Gešvandtnerová
- Teacher: Namrata Jaykhedkar
- Teacher: Silvia Kozáková
- Teacher: Filip Pančík
- Teacher: Halima Said
- Teacher: Táňa Sebechlebská
- Teacher: Barbora Stratilová
- Teacher: Monika Šuteková
- Teacher: Dávid Vrška
- Enrolled students: 2
- Teacher: Táňa Sebechlebská
- Enrolled students: No students enrolled in this course yet
Pre prístup k materiálom kliknite na názov kurzu a prihláste sa so svojím loginom a heslom ako do systému AIS. Navyše pred prvým prístupom systém žiada, aby ste sa zapísali medzi účastníkov kurzu.
V prípade individuálnych problémov so zápisom/prihlásením sa najprv skúste poradiť so spolužiakmi; ak sú problémy so zápisom/prihlásením u viacerých, kontaktujte vyučujúceho.
- Teacher: Michal Čičkan
- Teacher: Monika Gešvandtnerová
- Teacher: Namrata Jaykhedkar
- Teacher: Silvia Kozáková
- Teacher: Filip Pančík
- Teacher: Halima Said
- Teacher: Táňa Sebechlebská
- Teacher: Barbora Stratilová
- Teacher: Monika Šuteková
- Teacher: Dávid Vrška
- Enrolled students: 8